Europäische Allianz für Biokraftstoffe

Entwicklung moderner Kraftstoffe soll unterstützt werden

Die Firmenchefs von sieben führenden europäischen Herstellern von Biokraftstoffen und europäischen Fluggesellschaften haben in Brüssel eine von der Industrie geführte Initiative vorgestellt, durch welche der Einsatz moderner, nachhaltiger Biokraftstoffe in Europa vorangetrieben werden soll.

Die Initiative mit dem Namen „Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels“, zielt darauf ab, die Entwicklung von Biokraftstoffen der zweiten Generation in Europa zu unterstützen. Die Verantwortlichen von Chemtex, British Airways, BTG, Chemrec, Clariant, Dong Energy und UPM haben sich zusammengetan, um die Marktakzeptanz von modernen, nachhaltigen Biokraftstoffen in allen Transportsektoren zu gewährleisten.

Hier die weitere Pressemitteilung im englischen Original:

The world is taking action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and second generation biofuels are a key part of the solution, because they are cost-competitive and with less environmental impact than fuels made from oil or natural gas. In the European Union, 10% of all fuels by 2020 must be alternative fuels, the large majority being biofuels.

Second-generation biofuels can reduce GHG emissions by at least 65%. First generation biofuels, made from corn, wheat, soy or palm provide only modest reductions in greenhouse gases and can push up food prices.

During the Brussels meeting the “Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels” have established a common strategy based on several actions aimed at accelerating market penetration and technology deployment and use. In particular:

  • Accelerate research and innovation into emerging biofuel technologies, including algae and new conversion pathways, supported by public and private R&D&D programmes.
  • Work together with the supply chain to further develop worldwide accepted sustainability certification.
  • Establish financing structures to facilitate the implementation of sustainable biofuel projects.
  • Publicly promote the benefits of advanced sustainable biofuels.

The “Leaders of Sustainable Biofuels” also plan to address national policy makers, the European Commission and the European Parliament with a single voice, and invite the rest of the sustainable biofuels industry to follow them on the same path.

“We believe second generation biofuels – the “Leaders” stated during the meeting – are also key for the reduction of fossil energy imports in the EU”.