Luftverschmutzung kostet weltweit € 2,6 Billionen

Das englische Original

Local air pollution, and the health problems it causes, have received increased attention in many parts of the world, often because of specific incidents in major cities However, over the last few years, the evidence-base has improved significantly, und now demonstrates that the health impacts of local air pollution, particularly from road transport, are much larger than previously thought. Drawing on this improved evidence-base this study estimates the economic cost of the health impacts of air pollution from road transport – on a global score, but with special reference to People’s Republic of China, India and the OECD member countries.

After the preparation of this book was finished, the World Health Organization published new information showing that 3.7 million people died globally because of outdoor air pollution in 2012; a further increase from the 3.4 million mortalities in 2010 that this book is based on.

The book was prepared by Dr Rana Roy, who in turn wishes to acknowledge the able research assistance provided by Mr Stuart Baird. Jenny Calder of the OECD Secretariat contributed to the preparation of the final manuscript, end Nils Axel Braathen of the OECD Secretariat oversaw the implementation of the project.

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