Marktbericht der EPIA 2012:
Daten und Zahlen über PV
Rund ein Drittel der global installierten PV-Leistung steht in Deutschland. Nach dem jüngsten Bericht des europäischen Photovoltaik-Verbandes EPIA sind weltweit mittlerweile mehr als 100 GW Photovoltaik-Leistung instaliert. Im vergangenen Jahr ist diese Schallmauer mit einem erneuten Zubau von rund 30 GW durchbrochen worden, wie aus dem vorläufigen „Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics 2013-2017“ der EPIA hervor. Die endgültigen Zahlen will der Verband im Mai veröffentlichen.
EPIA’s Market Report 2012 is now available for download exclusively for Members. The report is based on preliminary figures for 2012 and will be updated in May when we publish our „Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics 2013-2017“.
According to the report, the world’s cumulative solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity capacity surpassed 100 GW in 2012, achieving just over 101 GW. This global capacity to harness the power of the sun produces as much electricity energy in a year as 16 coal power plants or nuclear reactors of 1 GW each. Each year, the world’s PV installations reduce CO2 emissions by 53 million tons.
The surpassing of the 100-GW mark occurred in yet another year of strong global PV development, with an estimated 30 GW connected to the grid and made operational in 2012 – roughly the same as the record-setting level of 2011. The 30 GW figure could be increased by an additional 1 or 2 GW when final numbers come in.
The year also showed an important shift towards a more global PV market, with 13 GW of PV installations occurring outside of Europe (compared to just under 8 GW in 2011) and nearly 17 GW in Europe (compared to nearly 23 GW in 2011). The top three European PV markets in 2012 were Germany (with 7.6 GW), Italy (3.3 GW) and France (1.2 GW). The top three non-European markets were China (with at least 3.5 GW and possibly as much as 4.5 GW), the U.S. (3.2 GW) and Japan (2.5 GW).