EPIA: Global Markets Outlook und Jahresreport

Zwei EPIA-Berichte: Global Markets Outlook für Photovoltaik bis 2016 und Jahresreport 2011

In Europa sind im vergangenen Jahr insgesamt 21,9 Gigawatt Photovoltaikleistung neu installiert worden. Nach Angaben des europäischen Photovoltaikverbandes (EPIA) ist damit die Photovoltaik die Energiequelle mit dem größten Zuwachs in Europa. In einem aktuellen Bericht von EPIA heißt es, das Wachstum werde sich in diesem Jahr durch den Abbau staatlicher Förderung allerdings verlangsamen. 09.05.2012


Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2016 – EPIA_Global-Market-Outlook-2016
Solar photovoltaic (PV) electricity continued its remarkable growth trend in 2011, even in the midst of a financial and economic crisis and even as the PV industry was enduring a period of consolidation. As they have for the past decade, PV markets again grew faster than anyone had expected both in Europe and around the world. „Global Market Outlook for Photovoltaics until 2016“, a new report from the European Photovoltaic Industry Association (EPIA), assesses the European and global markets for PV in 2011, and makes forecasts for the next five years. It is based on an internal analysis of data from industry members, national associations, government agencies and electric utilities.

Annual Report 2011EPIA_Annual_Report_2011
During the past two years, the photovoltaic (PV) industry has undergone remarkable growth and seen significant changes as photovoltaic technology becomes an increasingly competitive part of Europe’s energy mix. In 2011, the world-wide market for PV continued to grow even in the midst of financial and economic crisis. But the industry also faced new challenges as some countries sought to roll back the support schemes that have helped PV close the competitiveness gap with conventional electricity sources.